Potential for Agroforestry in Sri Lanka

Potential for Agroforestry in Sri Lanka

Agroforestry is a not new concept to Sri Lankan people, but rather has been a part of their lives for many years. Because scholars believe home gardens in Sri Lanka are an ancient agroforestry system that has been practiced for more than 2500 years. People of Sri Lanka understand the importance of trees for human survival. Therefore, they have protected forests and natural habitats, conserve trees in their farming systems and utilize them sustainably. I think this is the basic principle, potential for the agroforestry in Sri Lanka.

During the past fifty years, Sri Lanka has set up many development programs, however little attention was paid to the environment, resulting in environmental damage. So now we want to accomplish sustainable agriculture system, for that we can practice agroforestry system in properly.

In Sri Lanka, Agro forestry can be practices in all land area. Some areas can be mention as follow,

·        Home gardens of the low country

·        Paddy Lands

·        Kandyan home gardens of the wet zone and mid country

·        Sea coast/ Dry lands (Waste Lands) and Marshy areas

·        Buffer zones for enrichment planting

·        Tea, Rubber and coconut estates etc.

Most of Sri Lankan farmers grow only paddy on their fields. But they can cultivate perennial crops on their land bunds. And also can cultivate some fish, fresh water prawn in fresh water near to paddy fields. Because there are have more places with water gathered, like as following picture.                                   

The rubber in Sri Lanka is a mono crop. So we can it inter crop cinnamon, tea etc. Also in the tea cultivation we can plant wind breakers and perennial crops in bounds. And agroforestry in tea already practice by small holders.

In the coconut cultivation fields have more spaces to cultivate another crop species. In the mid country cocoa, pepper and some fruit trees, in the low country papaya, banana pine apple can be cultivated. And also can practice animal husbandry.                               

Sri Lanka is an island. So it surround by coastal area. Then we have to potential to practice agroforestry in these area. We can cultivate coconut, Prosopis Alba plants etc. This area is a neglected field at the moment.

Sri Lankan rural home garden sector also have more extra spaces to practice agroforestry. In my village most of home gardens have uncultivated space. Due to Covid – 19 epidemic peoples are involve to cultivation in their garden both in rural and urban areas. So this is most important as potential for the agroforestry in Sri Lanka.                            

These are the few of example for the potential of agroforestry system in Sri Lanka on my view. I Sri Lanka has more potential than other countries for agroforestry but we need correct guide and support from the government.